A Child? 11 reasons NOT to have one. We Westerners..Haha
One takes a lot of our time. Parents or pets?
According to my observation and confirmed by recent researches in the western world, 44% of women from 25 to 42 do not want children. Reason number 1: Children are difficult to combine with work. Very true. But have they thought of the next reasons?
Shopping: As a childless mum,there is no problem jumping into a chinese takeaway shop after work and taking home your diner after work.Compare that with trying to shop for something with your child.
Appearance: Yes that is what they say , like my 26 year colleague who looks at the foto of her 27yrs colleague who is a mum and says... "do you see..... she looks older and urglier because of having a baby. Is she naive? NO not really, that is the impression they have due to the appearance of the depressed new mums that forget everything about themselves and blame it on the baby as if they were younger and more cuter before they got the child.
Giving Birth is painful: Do birds have wing? sure putting to birth is painful. But what is the pain? is that the process? or the nature? if that was the only reason of not having a child.. aha!
Your intelect does not show itself anymore: Yes if you are a nuclear scientist and you become a mother, you have to behave as a child to make the child feel at home. Is that so difficult? .. well ask my colleagues that provide me with their reasons of not having a child.
Your career is not more important: Just ask the female middlemanagers,when hey stand infront of a hall full of young ambitious men.....and women who have been sterilized from their 23rd birthday( so they say) and who all want their jobs. How do they make time for the little one and also for the defence of their positions in the company.
The disappointing statistics: 100million children do not go to school and 30000 die each day because of poverty. what if yours was one of them?
Less Sex: ha interesting, the best topic. I wonder how long the western women can hold. NO Sex? as a reason not to have a child? anyway there is always sex after but maybe later but do they miss it because of the child? I have got a case study of colleagues.
No Need: yes simply no need to have a child. in the 50s happiness was still there and children took care of their parents. But now, these days in the western world, children have the same value for their parents as they have for their hamsters and dogs.
No Holidays: haha , yes that their holidays are not going to be the same again. reason, they want to carry their backpacks and travel, and walk through, mexico, australia, and more. how do they do that with a child on their backs they ask. I wonder what they brought back from those travels that was different from a postcard.
The Cost: Yes some say the cost. This, at least is a comprehensive reason.Diphers; a child uses about 5000 of them in the west. x 25euro cents is about 1250 euros.
I wonder how much kofi annan could have cost his mum as a child. haha or how many children mandela's mum had.
THE NIGHT: Some say, with a child, you discover how long a night really is. True again. but will there be a difference between the day and the night in the west?
Actually, I had four answers from my 10 female colleagues between 25 and 42. Here was the question;
Why do you not yet have children?
1 I want to preserve my freedom 38%
2 I do not have the urge/need to have them 33%
3 I do not have a partner 38%
4 The financial cost 26%
They had 3 reasons to have a child.
1 For the future. because the children will be able to pay their old age insurances.
2 Children keep them young. They are the only means to keep them connected to the ever changing realities of the modern world.
3 And Finally, a child was an excuse ( a good excuse) to lie down every evening on the sofa and watch Tv reruns and soaps.
Due to this observation, and in comparison with my background, it is safe to say that the near future of the west hangs on adoption, and singles having their hamsters and dogs ride with them in their cars- male and female alike. But how much do we care if there is no difference between our parents, (humans) and our pet animals?
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